Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Review Materials in Engineering Mechanics:

This material has been prepared for use in conjunctions with the third edition of ENGINEERING MECHANICS by Bedford and Fowler. This material contains selected problems from each section of the text. If the solution should carry a free body diagram but doesn't, be sure to sketch out one before undertaking the solution. Students should be aware that the following solutions is different from designing and constructing one's solution.

I have no doubt that, in spite of my strenuous efforts, there remain errors of one sort or another. Any errors that remain is my resposibility. I will be pleased and grateful to hear from any reader who discovers errors. There is no reward except the exhilaration of continuing the search for the all-too-elusive "truth". My electronic email address is mlzarco@engineer.com.

Click the links below to view the files.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4